
Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Hello friends! My name is Isabelle (AKA Allergy Girl) and this is a blog for those trying to live without gluten and dairy whether it be by choice or due to a very a finicky stomach (like me). I may possibly have one of the worst most hateful stomachs in the world. But let me start from the beginning. I grew up like many other happy children, eating whatever I wanted and not suffering any consequences. Oh how I miss those days! Then in my junior year of high school I discovered I had been living with lactose intolerance which is what caused my many...issues, so to speak, when eating. I cut out dairy and began to feel slightly better. Unfortunately not all of my problems went away. I went back to the doctor and they suggested cutting out gluten and testing me for Celiacs. Luckily, I do not have Celiacs but I might as well as I am allergic to both gluten and dairy. So I have now been officially diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), which basically means "We don't know what is wrong with you but you are going to get sick when you eat certain foods and any food could potentially cause this". 

Developing this in high school was very difficult and to this day I am still kind of stumbling blindly through life trying not to eat certain things and then accidentally eating them anyways. So this blog is here to help others who find themselves in a similar position to me. Hopefully the discoveries I've made will help you guys out. :) 

P.S. If you have any questions, any topic requests, any recipes you need altered, feel free to ask! I'll help to the best of my ability and use all of my resources to give you the most well-researched answer possible. <3

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